Friday, July 4, 2014

Choose three or four of these to check out!!

Hi Summer Reader (getting ready for grade5)!
Below is a list of books you are sure to enjoy if you can get your hands on them.
If you click on the link (the book's title) above each description, you can see which libraries in the area may have the book. When I posted this, many were available in Brookline at Coolidge and the main branch. Happy reading! Check back at this blog for updates and post a reply if any books seem great for you.

The following three books are "just right" for you, based on where you were in June. I think they would be great to try out first:

I am not trying to scare you before you head out to the BeachComber :)
Just some fun facts and great pictures - get ready for SharkWeek!

Shh! We're Writing the Constitution
Of all the books on this list, this one would be the one I'm hoping you'll get to. It relates to a 5th grade social studies topic, and there's a lot of info. here that will come out best if you read it once in summer and again during the year. It is written in a funny style that makes the story really enjoyable to follow.

A River Ran Wild
Linking a lot of what we studied in social studies this past year, from Native Americans to New England geography, this book will also help you look ahead to fifth grade history topics. It has a very unique way of blending pictures and text for a non-fiction book. It looks to be out at most of the Brookline libraries as of this post, so if you cannot find it, there are some other titles below. Many are more difficult, but you may enjoy them just the same!

Books for you - "just because..."

These books have a wide range of topics that may not connect to any topics for grade 5, but I thought you might enjoy for whatever reason.

The Hive Detectives
Before you go out to Utah, reading this book would give you an "expert" knowledge about an important issue going on with bees right now. I'm sure you knew Utah is known as "The Beehive State", so this is a great way to learn about these important insects and the crisis they (and we) are facing.

Frozen Man
Just a really great example of a nonfiction book that you would find hard to put down. The story behind the discovery and recovery of this ancient man is informative and interesting at the same time! Another book that is at a perfect level for you.

SOS Titanic
A historical fiction novel -- this is the only fiction choice I thought to include, based on great reviews and a topic that you might enjoy.

Ice Cream - The Full Scoop!
All kinds of stuff you didn't know about the ultimate summer treat! Fun, simple layout that you can read several times to be an expert on ice cream.

Can We Save the Tiger?

A really interesting look at endangered animals. This book is set up like a scientists sketchbook. It has amazing artwork and informative text - not too much reading!

Books that may connect with 5th grade topics:

Reaching for the Moon
Buzz Aldrin wrote this book and the paintings are done by Wendell Minor,  a very famous American artist. It is a beautiful book and should challenge you. It would be one you can read a couple of times and is a good example of an autobiography. (You might need to wait for this book to get back to the library in Brookline - many copies were out as of this posting - but it would be worth the wait, I think!)

Mission to the Moon
A scrapbook-style non-fiction book to give you a look at the reasons the moon was worth studying and eventually visiting.

Look to the Stars
Another book by Buzz Aldrin. This one looks at the amazing progress humans have made in reaching outer space and is laid out in a timeline-style format. Shorter and more general than many of the other books

Team Moon
How 400,000 people landed Apollo 11 on the moon. This is one amazing book, though it is a higher reading level than many others here. Plenty of visuals, though, to help you understand the information being presented.

Mission Control, This Is Apollo
The story of the first voyages to the Moon. This is the book I told you all about in class. Even if you just read the Introduction and the first chapter, you'll learn a ton!

Flipped Perspectives on The American Revolution
May not be available in the library (unless you live in Sudbury) but I found a copy in the bookstore that you could borrow! It is a really cool way to give two views of a historic event. You'll learn how both British and American books might tell this story of the American Revolution.

The Boston Tea Party
This one might be hard to find in libraries, since it is on the Brookline Summer Reading List. This is a great author for older grades!

Another Boston Tea Party book
I enjoyed the story format this one had. I learned a lot, admired the paintings, and thought it would be a good backup choice in case the book above isn't available.