Saturday, June 27, 2009

Timing Is Everything...

...or nothing. It is a little awkward to be still posting on what is going on in the post-4th grade lives of our 4St Blogging Alumni. However, there are some new additions to our "Link List", as well as a more prominent placement (higher up on the right sidebar). So, check out Patrick's and Alex's work. See new of the trip Sam is on, and if you have any new blog addresses to share, please post them via the "comment" feature. It's gonna be a great summer!
-Mr. S.

P.S. Found this image of John D. Runkle and thought it gave a nice inspiration for any summer scholarship endeavors!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Bloggers of 4St - Keep It Up!

We have finished our year in 4St for the 2008-9 school year. It is a little sad to have to say goodbye to students I have enjoyed working with all year, but it's a little easier when I know I can hear from them over the summer. Perhaps the newly-minted bloggers will provide us withy links to their pages. As I hear about kids exporting their blogs successfully to their own new oogle accounts, I will try to post their web addresses on this page. Look to the right sidebar – near the bottom – to see the links we have collected for now. Please, if you visit one of the kids' blogs, leave a friendly, positive comment. Everyone, have a great summer!

P.S. The image to the left was drawn by a former Runkle student (I want to check spelling before I give false/errant info.) who gave me a hand-drawn copy to put on a yet-to-be-realized Runkle Ultimate disc. What I hope to order, some day, is a set of discs that are known under the name "Ultrastar". These are made by a Minnesota-based company called Discraft – not the product referred to as a Frisbee® which is very similar, but not the same. Discraft will print discs with custom logos, so we could perhaps get a disc with this image (provided the artist will still give permission!)
Incidentally, we use the Discraft Ultrastar for most of our after-school ultimate games.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Let's Get Updated!

It has been a long time since our last post. We'll be working on finishing up any incomplete posts today. If you have time, you will enjoy leaving a picture of your faithful rock for all of us to remember it by!

Click HERE to check out a website you might enjoy working with! You can always use KidPix, as well!