Friday, June 26, 2009

Bloggers of 4St - Keep It Up!

We have finished our year in 4St for the 2008-9 school year. It is a little sad to have to say goodbye to students I have enjoyed working with all year, but it's a little easier when I know I can hear from them over the summer. Perhaps the newly-minted bloggers will provide us withy links to their pages. As I hear about kids exporting their blogs successfully to their own new oogle accounts, I will try to post their web addresses on this page. Look to the right sidebar – near the bottom – to see the links we have collected for now. Please, if you visit one of the kids' blogs, leave a friendly, positive comment. Everyone, have a great summer!

P.S. The image to the left was drawn by a former Runkle student (I want to check spelling before I give false/errant info.) who gave me a hand-drawn copy to put on a yet-to-be-realized Runkle Ultimate disc. What I hope to order, some day, is a set of discs that are known under the name "Ultrastar". These are made by a Minnesota-based company called Discraft – not the product referred to as a Frisbee® which is very similar, but not the same. Discraft will print discs with custom logos, so we could perhaps get a disc with this image (provided the artist will still give permission!)
Incidentally, we use the Discraft Ultrastar for most of our after-school ultimate games.